Friday, January 6, 2012

smile like the sun

January 6, 2012: Makes you smile :) I'm going to stray a bit and post several pictures, videos, and cute things that make me smile.
First of all, this guy is responsible for many, many smiles everyday. When I'm down or frustrated, he always turns it around into a joke and has me laughing in minutes. Pictured here with my sunglasses on at Starbucks in Minneapolis. 
My mom showed me this video the other day and it definitely made me smile. You must watch until the end :)
Hanging with my peeps makes me smile. [Hawaii, January, 2011]
This poster made me smile. Clearly this guy has never seen an actual cat. And apparently there was some discrepancy on the sex (rightfully so with those teeth!). [image]
And this poster too...srsly. [image]
These cuddle bugs always make me smile.
Benson made me smile all during Christmas with his love of the tree. [view larger in youtube]
Jimmy Kimmel makes me smile. Especially his Haloween challenge.

What makes you smile? Share the wealth!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE this post and LOVE to laugh also! Actually you know anyone falling down,by accident (hopefully not hurt), I find hilarious!
